Legal Notice


This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter, the “Site”) owned by Campofrio Food Group, S.A.U. (hereinafter “CFG”), with address at Avda. Europa, 24, Parque Empresarial La Moraleja, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain; registered with the Commercial Register of Madrid under Volume 311, Book 8, Sheet 1, Page M-6204, Entry 1st, and 2nd ; and holder of Tax Identification Number (NIF) A09000928.

To communicate any kind of question or suggestion, please contact CFG at the address shown above. 

Also, if you wish, you can contact CFG by email ( or phone (+34 900 100 749).

By using this Site, the user accepts all the clauses indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as each one of the warnings or specific clauses that are established for the contracting of certain services, products or use of areas of the Site.

Use of the Site 

The user undertakes not to use the Site to carry out activities that are contrary to the law, morality, public order and, in general, not to use it in breach of the conditions established in this Legal Notice. Likewise, the user undertakes not to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities by sending messages using a false identity. 

CFG acts exclusively as responsible of the Site in its condition of lender of an information service on its own services and products, not being responsible for the contents that, in contravention to the present general conditions, the users could send or publish, being the user the only responsible for their veracity and legality. 

CFG may interrupt the service of the Site being used by the user and immediately terminate the relationship with the user if it detects a use of the Site or of any of the services offered therein that it may consider contrary to what is expressed in this Legal Notice. 

Intellectual and Industrial Property 

The totality of this Site: text, images, marks, graphs, logos, buttons, software files, combinations of colors, as well as the structure, selection, order and presentation of its contents, is protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property, being prohibited its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, except for personal and private use. 

CFG does not guarantee that the contents of the Site are accurate or free of error or that the their free use by the user does not infringe the rights of third parties. The good or bad use of this Site and its contents is under the responsibility of the user. 

Likewise, the reproduction, retransmission, copying, transfer or rebroadcasting, in whole or in part, of the information contained in the Site, whatever its purpose and the means used for it, is prohibited without prior authorization from CFG. The user only has a strictly private right of use, exclusively for the purpose of accessing the services of the Site.  

The references to names and registered trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs, whether owned by CFG, the companies of its Group, or third party companies, carry an implicit prohibition on their use without the consent of CFG or their legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated, the access or use of the Site and/or its contents and/or services, confers to the user any right on the brands, logos and/or distinctive signs included in it and protected by law.  

All intellectual and industrial property rights are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, communicate publicly, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, process or distribute in any way all or part of the contents of the Site for commercial purposes, without the express written authorisation of CFG or, where appropriate, the holder of the rights.  


The Site may include links to third party sites. The pages belonging to third parties have not been reviewed and are not subject to controls by CFG. In any case, CFG cannot be held responsible for the contents of these websites nor for the measures adopted concerning your privacy or the treatment of your personal data. 

CFG recommends that the user carefully read the terms of use and privacy policy of these sites. 

In case of a user interested in activating a link to any of CFG pages, he/she must communicate it, obtaining the express consent to create the link. CFG reserves the right to oppose the activation of links to its Site. 

If a user becomes aware of the unlawfulness of activities linked to from this Site, he/she must immediately notify CFG in order to disable the access link.

The publication of any type of link from the Site to any other website does not imply that there is any type of legal relationship, collaboration or dependence between CFG and the person responsible for the other website.  

Underage Children

CFG reminds users of legal age, who are responsible for minors, that it will be their sole responsibility to determine which services and/or contents are not appropriate for the age of the latter. 

CFG informs them that there are computer programs that allow filtering and blocking access to certain content and services, so that parents or legal guardians, for example, can decide which Internet content and services minors may access and which may not. 


CFG will not be responsible directly or secondarily for: 

  • The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning nor the availability or continuity of operation of the Site. 
  • Any damage that may be caused to the user's equipment by the use of the Site. 
  • The cases in which a third party, breaking the established security measures, accesses the messages or uses them for the transmission of computer viruses. 
  • The defects of any kind of content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available. 
  • The legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents that the users transmit with the use of the page or of the services offered therein, as well as their veracity or accuracy. CFG does not control the use that users make of the Site, nor does it guarantee that they do so in accordance with the provisions of this Legal Notice. 

By way of example and without limitation, the user will be responsible for: 

  • The contents introduced by the user, especially of the data and information introduced and sent to CFG by means of the Site or on the Site. 
  • The execution of any type of illicit, harmful, harmful and/or damaging action. 
  • The provision of untruthful or incorrect data. 


The necessary information on the cookies used in the Site is published in the Cookies Policy on this Site.  

Data Protection  

The information about the processing of personal data that we carry out on this Site is published in the Privacy Policy on this Site.  

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is subject to United Kingdom’s applicable law for any type of controversy derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the Site, the parties, with the acceptance of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, will submit to the competent Courts under the applicable procedural law.